Fire Safety in CONDOMINIUMS and Apartments 

Regina Fire and Protective Services has created a document outlining Residential Fire Inspection Requirements. This document and the information on this page will assist you in understanding the legal requirements outlined in the Saskatchewan Fire Code as they pertain to multi-unit residential occupancies such as condominiums and apartments. 

Note that the Saskatchewan Fire Code is based on the National Fire Code of Canada with some amendments. Regina, Saskatoon, and several other municipalities identify additional requirements for fire protection and life safety systems in their local bylaws. 


The Saskatchewan Fire Code also states that the owner or the owner's agent is responsible for compliance with the code. A recent legal case confirmed that owners are also responsible for ensuring that companies and people they hire are qualified to perform the work they have been hired to do.  

"Owners" must do their due diligence! Any company and person you hire to complete your fire safety plan or service your fire protection or life safety systems must be qualified. A list of questions to ask the company you are considering hiring to prepare your fire safety plan is provided at the end of the Guide to Fire Safety Plans in Saskatchewan

Qualified contractors are required to inspect, test, and maintain fire protection and life safety systems. The following municipalities in Saskatchewan regulate these contractors, Regina, Saskatoon, and Weyburn

Fire Safety Plans in Residential Occupancies

The Saskatchewan Fire Code requires a fire safety plan in all residential occupancies with more than ten occupants. If you have any questions regarding fire safety plans, I've prepared a complete list of frequently asked questions for fire safety plans in Saskatchewan

Condo boards and building owners are often tempted to prepare fire safety plans themselves or hire anyone to complete the fire safety plan for them. Before drafting a fire safety plan, review this link to fire safety plans in Saskatchewan. Also consider if you have the in-house expertise and experience to prepare the fire safety plan. Consider how you plan on training the fire wardens (supervisory staff). Finally, you should also consult with your insurance company to determine if there are any issue in preparing a fire safety plan for the building. 

Regina Fire and Protective Services and Saskatoon Fire Department have guidelines for preparing fire safety plans on their websites. There are many templates available online, however most are incomplete. 

Implementing Your Fire Safety Plan

Consider how  to implement the fire safety plan. Having a written fire safety plan is the first step. Implementing the fire safety plan is the most important step. A downloadable fire safety plan implementation guide will be available soon. Check out my 9-step process for implementing your fire safety plan here.  

High Rise Buildings

In general, a condominium or apartment building is considered a high rise building if it has a residential floor level more than 18 m above the street level. Typically this is a building of more than 6 floors above the street level. There are additional requirements for these high buildings. 

The fire plan for high buildings must include:

Top 5 FIRE CODE Deficiencies in Condos

Fire Safety Plans & Fire Warden Training

Failure to maintain a current fire safety plan. Condos with an occupant load of more than 10 people are required to have a fire safety plan. The fire safety plan is required to meet the requirements of Section 2.8 of the Saskatchewan Fire Code. In addition to providing a fire safety plan, the fire safety plan must be implemented. This is commonly overlooked. Click here for a 9 step process that I developed to help property owners and managers implement their fire safety plan. A downloadable guide is coming soon. Contact me for more details on the guide and how to implement your fire safety plan. 

Fire safety plans are required to be reviewed and updated annually and when there are changes to the building, systems, or people. If you have any questions about fire safety plans check out the guide to fire safety plans in Saskatchewan

Fire Safety Plan Box

Fire safety plan box


Failure to maintain current records of tests for the fire protection and life safety systems. Many owners contract their fire protection service providers to perform an annual inspection. However, there are various other inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for various systems, i.e. sprinklers, fire alarms, monitoring, etc. Contact me to discuss what other inspections, tests, and maintenance are required. 

Owners must also understand that they are responsible for maintaining the initial acceptance/verification documents for the lifetime of the building or system. In addition, the inspection, testing, and maintenance must be retained so that at least the current and immediately preceding records are available. No record can be destroyed within 2 years of being prepared. 

Fire Safety Documents

Fire Safety Documents

Fire Doors & Fire Dampers

Failure to maintain closures. Closures are a defined term and include fire doors, fire shutters, fire dampers, wired glass, and glass blocks, as well as their frames, and all attached hardware. 

If you replace or install new hardware on a fire door, the hardware must be approved for use on a rated fire door

There are specific requirements for inspecting, testing, and maintaining closures. For more information on fire dampers, smoke dampers and combination smoke/fire dampers, here is an in-depth review of the Canadian requirements. 

Fire damper

Fire Damper

Fire Stopping

Failure to maintain fire separations. Fire separations are used to separate areas of the building, called compartmentation. These individual compartments are intended to keep smoke and fire in the compartment or to prevent smoke and fire from entering the compartment. 

Holes in fire separations for building services, such as pipes, ducts, cables and conduit are required to be provided with listed fire stopping systems. The fire stopping system is a listed product and must installed following the manufacturer's instructions. The fire stopping is intended to prevent the passage of smoke and fire from one fire compartment to another. Take a look at the Basic Guide to Fire Stopping Systems in Canada

Missing Fire Stoppping

Missing Fire Stopping

Integrated Systems Testing

Failure to ensure fire protection and life safety systems have been tested following CAN/ULC-S1001, Standard for the Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems. There may be many integrations between the fire protection and life safety systems within a building. The level of integration of these systems varies depending on the systems installed in the building. During the annual inspection and testing of the fire alarm system, the fire alarm technician does not confirm that the integrations function. They only test the fire alarm system functioning. The building owner or Condo Board is responsible for ensuring that the fire protection and life safety systems undergo integrated testing in conformance with ULC-S1001. Here is a primer on CAN/ULC-S1001, Connecting the Safety Dots

Integrated systems testing diagram showing fire alarm system interconnections

Image courtesy of NFPA.